Jam Jimi

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Physicist: CO2 Retains Heat For Only 0.0001 Seconds, Warming 'Not Possible'

Yet another nail in the CO2 as-a-bad-gas coffin.

Tags: ClimateChange StopClimateAlarmism ItWillBeOK

Empirical Evidence Refutes Greenhouse Gas Theory

Yet another scientific climate change skepticism article. The science is fairly settled. Climate change is from nature, not humans

Tags: ClimateChange ItWillBeOK StopClimateAlarmism

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

Old news, but worth considering what with the climate alarmism craziness dialed to 15.

Tags: ClimateChange ItWillBeOK StopClimateAlarmism

Climate change: 12 years to save the planet? Make that 18 months

Climate Alarmism dialed all the way to 15. We must change everything in 18 months or we're doooooommmed! 🙄

Tags: ClimateChange ItWillBeOK StopClimateAlarmism

'Climate Despair' Is Making People Give Up on Life

All for what is basically an exaggeration. The world will be fine. The world is greening. It's time to stop climate alarmism.

Tags: ClimateChange ItWillBeOK StopClimateAlarmism