One surely effective way of driving visitors away from your country. Take away their money!
The only merit that this lawsuit has is with unlocking iPhones after the contract is over.
Beyond that, from Apps to exclusivity, it's all hogwash.
How to lose millions while making billions!
I guess the drug was has just had an increase in cost, and would require a big increase in funding to keep fighting.
Freaking hilarious!
Vulgar too!
Yeah, no one saw this one coming!
Thus the need for more immigrants. If the US manages to close their borders more effectively to shut out illegal immigration, the US population will start to decline.
This also gives more room for societies that reproduce very fast *cough* Dearborn *cough*.
Amazingly ridiculos. Sadly, in the current US climate, they actually have a chance to succeed.
Appcelerator has just published the results from its most recent mobile developer survey and the results shed some insight into what platforms and device types are most compelling to developers in the short term and for the long haul.
The title should be fixed to: "iOS vs Android: Appcelerator users Weigh In"
Appcelerator is used by a tiny minority of iOS developers, so this survey is very highly skewed.
Jason Schwarz:
The greatest God-given gift is the ability to see life as it really is and to know of things yet to come. Steve Jobs is a committee of one.