I guess I'll stick to my iPhone and the curated App store eco system.
So, Russia needs lessons in Capitalism... Ironic
That's what happens when insurance companies can buy laws!
Apple attacks starting to go to ridiculous extremes
Comprehensive list of additions and changes to iOS for iPhone 4.
What will help Nokia retain its dominant position in an increasingly competitive smartphone market?
Nokia's problem is that it's a phone maker. To be effective in the new smartphone market, they need to be a computer company.
It's much easier to add phone functionality to a computer than to add a computer to a phone.
Why would anybody go to the extent of wrapping an installer package in an Application, and makes that application pain in the ass to use, instead of delivering a very standard platform-native installer package is beyond me.
If you listen to those security experts, you'd think all Macs are already dead because of the onslaught of viruses that they must be getting.
Nearly 10 years later, with a market share that keeps rising and an affluent user base, you'd think one virus maker would succeed just for the hell of it...