Jam Jimi

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Android's Touch Responsiveness Is Terrible

Mike Rundle:

The subtle, pervasive lag that has characterized the Android UI since its inception is still there, which is not a heartening thing to hear when you’re talking about a super-powered dual-core device like the Galaxy Nexus.

Tags: AndroidInterfaceLags MobilePhones AndroidVsIOS

iPhone 4S First Weekend Sales Top Four Million

So much for the naysayers.

So many pundits and tech journalists expressed their disappointment with this new phone one would think Apple released a brick instead of an actual phone.

1.3 Million phones per day! With an average price of $650 per phone that makes around $850 Million per day from iPhones only.

Holy Crap!

Tags: iPhone4S iPhone4Ssales

Why We Witnessed History at the iPhone 4S Launch

History in the making indeed. But only if Siri works as advertised.

But, seeing how Steve Jobs worked for the last fourteen years, I don't believe they would promote something so much if it didn't live up to the hype.

So I believe that indeed, this one is history in the making.

Tags: iPhone 4S Siri Voice User Interface VUI Apple

Apple says iPhone 4S broke pre-order record

That's more than 11 per second.


Tags: iPhone 4S Pre-orders Apple

Apple, RIM group wins $4.5 billion Nortel patent auction

With Microsoft pursuing Android makers for licensing, and now this, soon everybody will be making more money from Android than Google. Even Apple can now ask for licensing fees from Android makers.

Samsung was not listed as one of the companies that bought this portfolio, so now Apple have more ammo in their fight with them.

For some reason I expected Apple, with their gigantic hoard of cash to be the winner of this auction.

Tags: Apple iPhone iOS Apple/Samsung legal fight Mobile Licensing Microsoft RIM Google

Somalia jails Britons, American over pirate ransom

"All six can appeal, and if they ask to pay more instead of (remaining in) prison then we shall see and take our decision."

Translation: The Somali government wants in on the pirates' action.


Tags: Pirates Somalia Somalia Jails Britons American over pirate ransom

My Month With the Nexus S

Mirrors my experience.

Tags: iPhone Android iPhone vs. Android comparison

China farmers face 'exploding' watermelon problem

I would like to see a video of that!

Tags: watermelon exploding watermelons china

Scientists find 'Master switch' gene for obesity


Hopefully, this will lead to reducing Type II diabetes..

Tags: Biology diabetes genetics

Music Industry Will Force Licenses on Amazon Cloud Player ... or Else

The music labels are bullies. Bullies take what they can whether it's rightfully theirs or not.

If nobody stands up to them, then they'll bully everybody.

How we access our music after paying for it is none of their business and they shouldn't have a say in it.

What they mostly hate about this is that users of this service will be able to access their music collection from anywhere without the need to repurchase it. Plus, Amazon's cloud is very well backed up and users won't be losing their music collection anymore; not to theft, not to fire or none of the other reasons that caused people in the past to repurchase the same music again and again, benefitting those mobs over and over.

Tags: Amazon cloud storage cloud drive music labels music labels suck